While returning home from a routine scientific probing mission on planet EAR-7H your ship's warp engine developed a fault.

You managed to safely eject the unstable engine cores but have been left drifting through an asteroid field strewn with the debris of other unfortunate vessels.

Use your energy beam to salvage 3 working engine cores while deflecting asteroids and picking up useful upgrade pods.


Aim the beamMouse/Trackpad
Repel beamW/I/Up arrow
Attract beamS/K/Down arrow
Clockwise beamD/L/Right arrow
Counterclockwise beam
A/J/Left arrow

Engine Cores

You will need to salvage 3 engine cores to be able to warp away.

Steady blue cores are safe to pick up.

Pulsing blue cores are moving too fast to be safely picked up. Slow them down with your beam.

Pulsing red cores are unstable and about to explode! Push them away with your beam so you do not get caught in their blast. Watch out for any asteroids that their explosion sends hurtling in your direction.


Strengthen and repair ship's hull.

Increase and recharge shield power.

Increase and recharge beam power.

Increase maximum beam length.

Increase maximum beam width.

Gameplay Tips

  • To exert the maximum force on asteroids, upgrades and engine cores with your beam make sure they are fully within it. Also, the closer they are to the ship the more powerful the beam's effect will be.
  • Slow down upgrades and engine cores that are passing above or below your ship using the clockwise and anticlockwise/counterclockwise beams. Then use the attract beam to pull them in.
  • It is normally easier to deflect asteroids around your ship with the clockwise and anticlockwise/counterclockwise beams than to stop them with the repel beam.
  • On the higher difficulty levels it is best to first build up your ship's hull strength, shield and beam power before attempting to collect any engine cores.
  • You can park a large asteroid in front of your ship to provide cover if you have little or no shield.


1.6 - Updated to Godot 3.6 and refactored the code.

- Added support for full screen.

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